Thomas whiff trainz download

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ZeldaBoy14 Production Works Provides some good models of the Neighborhood Trolley from Mr. The Railway Works 3D With people such as TheDirtyTrainz, MH1994, and Mainland Studios they provide some more great Thomas content. Western Routes Has a CGI Knapford route, and a couple of other Thomas dioramas The Trainz Empire Run by people such as Skarloey Rheneas, Nerfherder219, and other people, this website contains some great routes (though they are for TS2012 and up) and some good models. Here, they provide some nice and lovely RWS, TVS, and Freelance routes.Ĭrovans Gate Works Cam Jones new Trainz website, has some good content. Sodor Railways I know the URL reads Sudrian Railways, but the name was originally changed to avoid copying the old Trainz4755 website name. Hilltracks Trainz Routes Currently dead, but Hilltrack, MH1994, Ilovetrains323, and Man O Sodor provide some of the best routes and characters here.

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Some great made-up characters, as well as realistic versions of the classic Thomas characters we know and love. Wild Nor Wester 3D Daniel (AKA WildNorWester) provides some of his amazing content from his fan-series Sodor: The Early Years and Sodor: The Modern Years.

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